Modeling and Querying Spatial
Data Warehouses on the Semantic Web

This research emphasizes on how to utilize spatial data warehousing on the Semantic Web by extending a multi-dimensional data cube model with spatial members. We present a spatially enhanced vocabulary as QB4SOLAP, published MD data as RDF with this vocabulary. Finally, as a proof-of-concept we implemented spatial and metric analysis on spatial members along with OLAP operations and re-defined them as spatial OLAP (SOLAP) operators.


### Default Data Set Name (GRAPH IRI)
prefix:gnwi: <>
### Additional custom prefixes used in the queries
prefix geo:<>
prefix skos:<>
prefix qb4o:<>
prefix qb4so:<>
prefix qb:<>		  


Q1: Total sales to customers by city of the closest suppliers.

SELECT ?city (SUM(?sales) AS ?totalSales)
WHERE {?o a qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust;
	gnw:supplierID ?sup; gnw:salesAmount ?sales. 
	?cust qb4o:inLevel gnw:customer;gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo;
	gnw:customerName ?custName; skos:broader ?city .
	?city qb4o:inLevel gnw:city.?sup gnw:supplierGeo ?supGeo.
#Inner Select:Distance to the closest supplier of the customer
  {SELECT ?cust1 (MIN(?distance) AS ?minDistance)
  WHERE{?o a qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust1;
	gnw:supplierID ?sup1. ?sup1 gnw:supplierGeo ?sup1Geo.
	?cust1 gnw:customerGeo ?cust1Geo .
  BIND (bif:st_distance( ?cust1Geo, ?sup1Geo ) AS ?distance)}
  GROUP BY ?cust1 }
  FILTER (?cust = ?cust1 && bif:st_distance(?custGeo, ?supGeo)=
  ?minDistance)} GROUP BY ?city ORDER BY ?totalSales


Q2: Total sales to the customers located in the city within a 10 km. buffer area from a given point.

SELECT ?custName ?cityName (SUM(?sales) AS ?totalSales)
WHERE {?o rdf:type qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust; 
   gnw:salesAmount ?sales.?cust gnw:customerName ?custName; 
   skos:broader ?city.?city gnw:cityGeo ?cityGeo; 
	gnw:cityName ?cityName.
GROUP BY ?custName ?cityName ORDER BY ?custName


Q3: Total sales of customers in 1997, located in cities that are within a 100 km buffer area from a given point.

SELECT ?custName ?yearNo (SUM(?sales) AS ?totalSales)
WHERE { ?o rdf:type qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust; 
   gnw:salesAmount ?sales; gnw:orderDateID ?time.
   ?time gnw:yearNo ?yearNo.?cust gnw:customerName ?custName; 
   skos:broader ?city. ?city gnw:cityGeo ?cityGeo. 
FILTER (?yearNo = "1997" && bif:st_within (?cityGeo, 
bif:st_point(2.3522219, 48.856614),  100))}
GROUP BY ?custName ?yearNo ORDER BY ?custName


Q4 Total sales amount to the customers that have orders delivered by suppliers such that their locations are less than 200 km from each other.

SELECT ?custName ?distance (SUM(?sales) AS ?totalSales) 
WHERE { ?o a qb:Observation; 
	gnw:customerID ?cust; gnw:supplierID ?sup; 
	gnw:salesAmount ?sales. ?cust gnw:customerName ?custName; 
	gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo. ?sup gnw:supplierGeo ?supGeo. 
BIND (bif:st_distance (?custGeo, ?supGeo) AS ?distance)	
FILTER(?distance < 200 )}
GROUP BY ?custName ?distance ORDER BY ?custName


Q5: Distance between the customers' locations and the center of the city which they are located

SELECT DISTINCT ?custName ?cityName ?distance 
WHERE { ?o a qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust.
	?cust gnw:customerName ?custName; 
	gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo;skos:broader ?city. 
	?city gnw:cityGeo ?cityGeo; gnw:cityName ?cityName.
BIND (bif:st_distance (?cityGeo, ?custGeo) AS ?distance)}
ORDER BY ?custName

Q6: Number of customers located at more than 100 km from the supplier.

SELECT ?supName, (COUNT(?cust) AS ?nbCustomers)
WHERE { ?o a qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust;
	gnw:supplierID ?sup. ?cust gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo.
	?sup gnw:supplierGeo ?supGeo; gnw:supplierName ?supName.
FILTER (bif:st_distance(?supGeo, ?custGeo) > 100 ) }
GROUP BY ?supName ORDER BY DESC (?nbCustomers)

Q7: For each customer, total sales amount to its closest supplier.

SELECT ?custName ?sup ?minDistance (SUM(?sales) AS ?totalSales)
WHERE {?o a qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust;
	gnw:supplierID ?sup;gnw:salesAmount ?sales.
	?cust qb4o:inLevel gnw:customer;gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo;
	gnw:customerName ?custName. ?sup gnw:supplierGeo ?supGeo.
#Inner Select:Total sales to the closest supplier of the customer
  {SELECT ?cust1 (MIN(?distance) AS ?minDistance)
  WHERE{ ?o a qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust1;
	gnw:supplierID ?sup1.?sup1 gnw:supplierGeo ?sup1Geo.
	?cust1 gnw:customerGeo ?cust1Geo .
	BIND (bif:st_distance(?cust1Geo,?sup1Geo) AS ?distance)}
	GROUP BY ?cust1}
FILTER (?cust = ?cust1 && bif:st_distance( ?custGeo, ?supGeo) = 
?minDistance)} GROUP BY ?custName ?minDistance ?sup

Q8: Distance between the customer and supplier for customers that have orders delivered by suppliers of the same country.

SELECT ?custName ?supName ?distance
WHERE{?o a qb:Observation; gnw:customerID ?cust; 
   gnw:supplierID ?sup; gnw:salesAmount ?sales.
   ?cust gnw:customerName ?custName; gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo; 
   skos:broader ?custCity.{?custCity skos:broader ?custCountry.}
UNION {?custCity skos:broader ?custState.
   {?custState skos:broader ?custCountry.}
UNION {?custState skos:broader ?custRegion.
   ?custRegion skos:broader ?custCountry.}}
   ?sup gnw:supplierName ?supName; gnw:supplierGeo ?supGeo; 
   skos:broader ?supCity.{?supCity skos:broader ?supCountry.}
UNION {?supCity skos:broader ?supState.
   {?supState skos:broader ?supCountry.}
UNION {?supState skos:broader ?supRegion.
   ?supRegion skos:broader ?supCountry.}} 
BIND (bif:st_distance (?custGeo , ?supGeo) AS ?distance)
FILTER (?custCountry = ?supCountry)}
GROUP BY ?custName ?supName ?distance

Q9: Total sales to customers located in a state that contains the capital city of the country.

SELECT ?custName (SUM(?sales) AS ?totalSales)
WHERE {?o rdf:type qb:Observation; gnw:customer ?cust; 
   gnw:salesAmount ?sales. ?cust gnw:customerName ?custName; 
   skos:broader ?city. ?city  skos:broader ?state.
   ?state gnw:stateGeo ?stateGeo.{?state skos:broader ?country.}
UNION {?state skos:broader ?region.
   ?region skos:broader ?country.} 
   ?country gnw:capitalGeo ?capitalGeo. 
FILTER ( bif:st_contains(?stateGeo, ?capitalGeo))}
GROUP BY ?custName ORDER BY ?custName

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