### Additional custom prefixes used in the queries
prefix sdmx-concept: <>
prefix sdmx-dimension: <>
prefix sdmx-measure: <>
prefix skos: <>
prefix xsd: <>
prefix rdf: <>
prefix rdfs: <>
prefix geo: <>
prefix virtrdf: <>
prefix qb: <>
prefix qb4o: <>
prefix qb4so: <>
prefix gnw: <>
S-Slice: Slice on customers of the country, in which the given/clicked point is within.
?obs rdf:type qb:Observation ;
gnw:customerID ?customer .
?customer qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer ;
skos:broader ?city .
?city qb4o:memberOf gnw:city ;
skos:broader ?state1 .
?state qb4o:memberOf gnw:state ;
skos:broader ?country .
?country qb4o:memberOf gnw:country ;
gnw:countryGeo ?countryGeo1 .
FILTER (bif:st_within(bif:st_point(10.140380859375002, 50.98609893339354), ?countryGeo1 ,32))
S-Dice(1): Sales to customers which are located within 5 km. distance from their city center. (Filter the customers which are within 5 km from their city center)
?obs rdf:type qb:Observation ;
gnw:customerID ?customer .
?customer qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer ;
gnw:customerGeo ?customerGeo .
?obs gnw:customerID ?customer2 .
?customer2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer ;
skos:broader ?city .
?city qb4o:memberOf gnw:city ;
gnw:cityGeo ?cityCentGeo .
FILTER (bif:st_within(?customerGeo, ?cityCentGeo, 5))
S-dice(2): Sales to customers which are located within 5 km. distance from their city center. (Calculate the distance between every customer and their city center as ?distance variable, apply a filter on the ?distance variables if it is les than 5)
?obs rdf:type qb:Observation ;
gnw:customerID ?customer .
?customer qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer ;
gnw:customerGeo ?customerGeo .
?obs gnw:customerID ?customer2 .
?customer2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer ;
skos:broader ?city .
?city qb4o:memberOf gnw:city ;
gnw:cityGeo ?cityCentGeo .
BIND (bif:st_distance (?customerGeo, ?cityCentGeo) AS ?distance)
FILTER (?distance < 5)
S-Roll-up: Total amount of sales to customers by city of the closest suppliers
SELECT ?obs ?supplierCity (SUM(?salesAmount) AS ?totalsalesAmount) WHERE
?obs rdf:type qb:Observation ;
gnw:customerID ?customer1 ;
gnw:supplierID ?supplier1 ;
gnw:salesAmount ?salesAmount .
?customer1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer ;
gnw:customerGeo ?customerGeo1 .
?supplier1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:supplier ;
skos:broader ?supplierCity .
?supplierCity qb4o:memberOf gnw:city ;
gnw:cityGeo ?cityGeo1 .
SELECT ?customer2 (MIN(?distance) AS ?MINdistance) WHERE
?obs2 rdf:type qb:Observation ;
gnw:customerID ?customer2 ;
gnw:supplierID ?supplier2 .
?customer2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer ;
gnw:customerGeo ?customerGeo2 .
?supplier2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:supplier ;
skos:broader ?city2 .
?city2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:city ;
gnw:cityGeo ?cityGeo2 .
BIND (bif:st_distance( ?customerGeo2, ?cityGeo2 ) AS ?distance)}
GROUP BY ?customer2}
FILTER (?customer1 = ?customer2 && bif:st_distance( ?customerGeo1, ?cityGeo1 ) = ?MINdistance )
GROUP BY ?obs ?supplierCity
Nested SOLAP1: (s-roll-up(s-slice))
SELECT ?obs2 ?supplierCity (SUM(?sales2) AS ?totalSales) WHERE
?obs2 rdf:type qb:Observation .
?obs2 gnw:customerID ?customer2 .
?obs2 gnw:supplierID ?supplier .
?customer2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer .
?customer2 skos:broader ?city2 .
?customer2 gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo .
?supplier qb4o:memberOf gnw:supplier .
?supplier gnw:supplierGeo ?supGeo .
?supplier skos:broader ?supplierCity .
?supplierCity qb4o:memberOf gnw:city .
?city2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:city .
?city2 skos:broader ?state1 .
?state1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:state .
?state1 skos:broader ?country1 .
?country1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:country .
?country1 gnw:countryGeo ?countryGeo1 .
?obs2 gnw:salesAmount ?sales2 .
{ SELECT ?cust1 (MIN(?distance) AS ?minDistance)
?o2 rdf:type qb:Observation .
?o2 gnw:customerID ?cust1 .
?o2 gnw:supplierID ?sup1 .
?sup1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:supplier .
?sup1 gnw:supplierGeo ?sup1Geo .
?cust1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer .
?cust1 gnw:customerGeo ?cust1Geo .
BIND (bif:st_distance( ?cust1Geo, ?sup1Geo ) AS ?distance)}
GROUP BY ?cust1 }
FILTER (bif:st_within(bif:st_point(10.079956054687502, 51.06211251399775), ?countryGeo1 ,32))
FILTER (?customer2 = ?cust1 && bif:st_distance( ?custGeo, ?supGeo ) = ?minDistance)
} GROUP BY ?obs2 ?supplierCity
Nested SOLAP2: (s-roll-up(s-slice(s-dice)))
SELECT ?obs2 ?supplierCity (SUM(?sales2) AS ?totalSales) WHERE
?obs2 rdf:type qb:Observation .
?obs2 gnw:customerID ?customer2 .
?obs2 gnw:supplierID ?supplier .
?customer2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer .
?customer2 skos:broader ?city2 .
?customer2 gnw:customerGeo ?custGeo .
?supplier qb4o:memberOf gnw:supplier .
?supplier gnw:supplierGeo ?supGeo .
?supplier skos:broader ?supplierCity .
?supplierCity qb4o:memberOf gnw:city .
?city2 qb4o:memberOf gnw:city .
?city2 skos:broader ?state1 .
?state1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:state .
?state1 skos:broader ?country1 .
?country1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:country .
?country1 gnw:countryGeo ?countryGeo1 .
?obs2 gnw:salesAmount ?sales2 .
{ SELECT ?cust1 (MIN(?distance) AS ?minDistance)
?o2 rdf:type qb:Observation .
?o2 gnw:customerID ?cust1 .
?o2 gnw:supplierID ?sup1 .
?sup1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:supplier .
?sup1 gnw:supplierGeo ?sup1Geo .
?cust1 qb4o:memberOf gnw:customer .
?cust1 gnw:customerGeo ?cust1Geo .
BIND (bif:st_distance( ?cust1Geo, ?sup1Geo ) AS ?distance)}
GROUP BY ?cust1 }
FILTER (bif:st_within (?supGeo, ?custGeo, 100))
FILTER (bif:st_within(bif:st_point(10.079956054687502, 51.06211251399775), ?countryGeo1 ,32))
FILTER (?customer2 = ?cust1 && bif:st_distance( ?custGeo, ?supGeo ) = ?minDistance)
} GROUP BY ?obs2 ?supplierCity